Monday, 4 July 2011

Narrative structure of documentaries

Open Narrative Structure - There are questions left unanswered at the end e.g. documentaires on assisted suicide. this allows the audience to make their own minds up about the issue.
Closed Narrative Structure - There are no loose ends, everything is tied up at the end, there is a definate ending to there documentaries. e.g. a documentary on the 9/11 bombings.
A documentary cannot be both open and closed.

Linear Narrative Structure - The documentary is in chronological order, the events and shots in the programme occur in the order that they did in real life, e.g. a documentary on the 9/11 bombings
Non Linear Narrative Structure - There is no chronological order, time is disrupted in some way by using  flashbacks to take the audience back in time for example.
Documentaries cannot be both linear and non linear.

Multistrand Narrative - There is more than one narrative thread in the same programme, these may over lap at the end of the programme, e.g. one born every minute.
Single Strand Narrative - There is only one narrative thread, for example it only follows the life of one person this is how most documentaries are structured. 
A documentary cannot be both multi and single strand narrative.

Circular Narrative Structure - At the start a question is asked, the narrative explores the question then returns to it at the end e.g. born to be different
Visuals - Television is a visual medium, the programme needs to be visually stimulating and maintain the audiences interest.

Archive Material - This would include stock footage e.g. street scenes, historical footage or film extracts.
Interviews - The most important part of a documentary, the narrative is shown though the interviews, they can be held anywhere but the mis en scene is important when relating to the topic or interview. The framing is impprtant and must always be correct so in an interview the intervewee is always sat on the left or right hand side of the shot, the interviewer always stands the opposite side to the intervewee.
Vox Pops - 'Voice of the People', normally one question is asked to a number of people then the most interesting answers are choosen, this gives a good cross section of people.
Voice Over - This can effect and alter the meaning of the clips shown with it, it anchors the meaning of the visuals and the voice over acts as the glue holding the narrative together.

Gate Keeping - This is the selection and rejection of information that will be presented in the programme, many interviews will be filmed but only the most entertaining or important interviews will be put in the final programme.
Construction of reality - by editing and gate keeping we produce constructed and artifical picture of reality.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dear!
    I am a comms student currently writing an essay on documentaries and i find this post of yours really useful! May I know where did you get your info from? (: I would really like to use this but i'll have to cite it as well! I hope you could help me out! (; thank you! im contactable at

